This is my very first tutorial, and tonight I am proud to post it (mostly because I finally learned how to do a screen shot in Photo Shop!) That is something I have wondered how to do for a very long time. Some of my friends who don't have as much time as I do have asked " How did you make that?" Well, I can say its never really planned out how the final paper will really look. Most of it is just playing around! I may have to go back and edit this tut. as well. I welcome your feed back!
Next, I search for a texture. I chose a light colored rock . This is where the fun starts.With your move tool, drag it onto your canvas. I put it on top of all the other layers, since I want the brush strokes to be a little less blunt. Now stretch your texture over the entire canvas, covering all of the layers.Then, change the blend mode of that layer.( see right above here.) I usually scroll through all of the blending modes to see what look it may take on. Oh, the many choices! I could stop here, but if the night is young and I still want to play, I add a gradient to the background copy layer by opening the fx at the bottom of my layer pallet.I felt like pink, so I applied that.I saved this paper as is, since I thought it would make a pretty cool blog topper.
And then, I duplicated this, and added a pattern. To do this, click on the little fx again, and choose "Pattern overlay." I searched my patterns and applied a new one I made this week. Change the blend mode in the new pop up window as well as the opacity, until you are satisfied.I now have 2 different papers to add to my collection!
You can have them too, by late tonight, after Iupload them and post the link.
Ok, so how did I do?( I mean on the tutorial.) How can I improve? How do my screen shots look? Now that I can do that, or Those, I just may post a tutorial on how to make brushes. If you don't see me soon, that probably means IM editing a new session, ( And that is a good thing!)
Thanks for stopping by!
Here are links to the two papers:File name: 1212PaprDezne.jpg
Download link:
File name: 1StepFurther1212.jpg
Download link: